For thousands of years, cultures have been relying on green tea to cure a number of ailments, both physical and mental. Today, we know for a fact that they were onto something. Let’s dive right into 7 proven benefits of drinking green tea regularly.
Fruits to Avoid if You Have Diabetes
Fruit is Not Forbidden But Some Fruit Choices are Better Than Others
This Video Explains How to Properly Use Color-Correcting Makeup
If you want to offset dark circles, redness, or dark spots with makeup, you have to understand how using orange, green, yellow, and a few other colors can even out your skin tone—called color-correcting. The technique is popular, but really easy to mess up. This video helps clear up the confusion.
Brisk Walking Keeps You Thinner Than Other Exercise
Which exercise is best for keeping off weight? A long term study found that people who enjoyed a 30-minute brisk walk most days had the smallest waists and lowest body mass indexes.
9 Ways to Keep Your Joints Healthy
Many people with arthritis resist regular physical activity or exercise because they fear it will increase pain or further damage their joints. The body is supposed to move; our joints allow for movement. In fact, movement eases joint stiffness, reduces joint pain, strengthens the muscles which surround the joints, and help us maintain a healthy weight. The benefits are real, so keep moving!