For thousands of years, cultures have been relying on green tea to cure a number of ailments, both physical and mental. Today, we know for a fact that they were onto something. Let’s dive right into 7 proven benefits of drinking green tea regularly.

Fruits to Avoid if You Have Diabetes

Fruit is Not Forbidden But Some Fruit Choices are Better Than Others

This Video Explains How to Properly Use Color-Correcting Makeup

If you want to offset dark circles, redness, or dark spots with makeup, you have to understand how using orange, green, yellow, and a few other colors can even out your skin tone—called color-correcting. The technique is popular, but really easy to mess up. This video helps clear up the confusion.

Brisk Walking Keeps You Thinner Than Other Exercise

Which exercise is best for keeping off weight? A long term study found that people who enjoyed a 30-minute brisk walk most days had the smallest waists and lowest body mass indexes.

9 Ways to Keep Your Joints Healthy

Many people with arthritis resist regular physical activity or exercise because they fear it will increase pain or further damage their joints. The body is supposed to move; our joints allow for movement. In fact, movement eases joint stiffness, reduces joint pain, strengthens the muscles which surround the joints, and help us maintain a healthy weight. The benefits are real, so keep moving!

Thursday, March 30, 2017

16 Tips for Living a Happy Life Starting Right Now

It doesn’t matter your age, how much money you have in your bank account, your marital status or what you do for a living, we all want to be more successful in our lives. Of course, defining success is different for each us, but here are 16 proven ways that can make you more productive, happy and successful in life.

1. Be committed.

No matter what goals you have set for yourself in life, you have to be committed. It’s through commitment that you’ll continue to make the improvements needed to better yourself. Whether it’s taking a chance on launching a startup, getting a gym membership to improve your physical well being, or taking a cooking class because you want to become a chef, commitment is what drives us all to become more successful.

2. People care about you, not your success.

Let’s be honest. People don’t care about the expensive clothes you wear, how big is the house you own or the car your drive. That’s not to say that they don’t respect your achievements or possessions. Instead, they care you as an individual and they’ll support you no matter what -- because they love you. Believe it!

3. Be grateful everyday.

According to researchers Martin Seligman, Robert Emmons, and Michael McCullough, being grateful can result in feeling better about your life, more enthusiastism and more willingness to help others. Being grateful may even reduce coronary artery disease. Take the time to write down what you're grateful each and every day.

4. Take action.

In an article in The Atlantic, authors Katty Kay and Claire Shipman share studies on the confidence gap between men and women.  The researchers discovered that confidence is just as important as competence. It was concluded in the article that "[T]aking action bolsters one's belief in one's ability to succeed."

5. Money can’t buy happiness.

As The Beatles famously proclaimed, (money), "can’t buy me love." You know what else money can’t buy? Happiness. Just because you're earning six figures doesn’t mean that you’re necessarily content. Sure, money is obviously needed, and it makes some things easier. But, you should be focusing on your passion and not how much your paycheck is.

6. Don’t take rejection personally.

At some point we all face rejection. Instead of taking it personally, use it as a learning experience. Why did a VC reject your proposal? Maybe there wasn’t a market for your product. Perhaps you didn’t have a convincing pitch. Maybe the VC's partner just called and said he'd spent their extra cash. Accepting and learning from rejection is one way to guide you to success.
With my online invoicing startup I get rejected daily, literally. I talked to 100+ VC's before I got one that believed in my product. Learn from rejection and use it as motivation to make things bettter!

7. Have a backup plan.

You never know when the unexpected is going to happen, but when it does happen, you’re surrounded by chaos. Being prepared for the worst case scenario can at least make things a whole lot less chaotic. When my last business crashed, had I not had some cash set aside (that my wife kept away from me), we would have been in financial ruin. Having a three-to-six month nest egg will make the difference. I've found that having 12-24 months of cash to pay all bills just sitting there has significantly helped my marriage be more positive as well!

8. Improve your social skill.

After analyzing data from between 1972 and 1992, University of California, Santa Barbara, economist Catherine Weinberger found that “The people who are both smart and socially adept earn more in today’s workforce than similarly endowed workers in 1980.”

9. Travel.

As Yii-Huei Phang states on The Huffington Post, traveling is a great way to “develop a person’s character” and become more open-minded. Additionally, while traveling is a great way to get away from the daily grind, it also helps you appreciate what you have back at home.

10. Don’t multitask.

If you’re feeling constantly burnt out it’s probably because you’re doing too much at one time. Research has found that “when you switch away from a primary task to do something else, you’re increasing the time it takes to finish that task by an average of 25 percent.” You’re also burning your reservoir of energy. Both of these issues decrease your productivity and prevent you from accomplishing tasks and goal.

11. Embrace a growth mindset.

Stanford psychologist Carol Dweck argues that we have two-mindsets; “fixed” and “growth.” A fixed mindset “assumes that our character, intelligence, and creative ability are static.” A “growth mindset,” however, “thrives on challenge and sees failure not as evidence of unintelligence but as a heartening springboard for growth and for stretching our existing abilities.”

12. Balance work and life.

When work interferes with life, it can result in employees getting burned out and decreases base morale in the office. While this may not be an option for employees, it proves that everyone needs time away from the office. If you’re able to spend less time in the office by working remotely or having flexible hours, you should be able to be productive in both your personal and professional life.

13. Don’t hold grudges.

There is really no need to hold onto a grudge. It can mentally wear you out and makes you miserable. And, doesn’t life seem to go a whole lot smoother when you’re not angry?

14. Stick it out.

After years of studying both children and adults, psychologist Angela Duckworth found that one of the characteristics of successful individuals is having grit. During her TED talk Duckworth stated, “Grit is passion and perseverance for very long-term goals. Grit is having stamina. Grit is sticking with your future, day in, day out, not just for the week, not just for the month, but for years, and working really hard to make that future a reality. Grit is living life like it's a marathon, not a sprint.”

15. Live in the moment

You can’t change the past and you have no control of the future. Live in the moment and enjoy what’s in front of you right here, right now. When you’re busy making too many plans, you’re causing stress that prevents you from enjoying the present.

16. Take care of yourself, then help others.

According to Mark Snyder, a psychologist and head of the Center for the Study of the Individual and Society at the University of Minnesota, "People who volunteer tend to have higher self-esteem, psychological well-being, and happiness."
Additionally, helping others is beneficial for our health. But, how can you help others if you haven’t taken care of yourself first? Take care of your needs first and then begin to help others.
Sources:- entrepreneur

Monday, March 27, 2017

15 Simple Ways to Live a Happy Life

“Happiness is the meaning and the purpose of life, the whole aim and end of human existence.”
Aristotle said this more than 2,000 years ago. And it still holds true today. What is the true purpose of life, if not to live a happy life until we die?
Happiness is one of the most sought-after goals in life, yet for many it seems to be elusive. It’s easy to delude ourselves into thinking, “When I just have that nice house and new car, then I can be happy.” But in reality, happiness is available to all of us, right now. A big house or a new car won’t actually make you happier; it’s the simple joys in life that bring true happiness. Read on to learn 15 simple ways that you can start living a happier life today.
1. Do What You Love
If your passion is playing soccer, writing poems, or teaching children how to swim, make time to do it. You’ll find that when you’re doing what you love, you’re filled with joy. How much better does that sound than forcing yourself do something you don’t like?

2. Help Others
Sometimes after we’ve achieved our own personal goals, we still feel empty inside because we haven’t made a meaningful contribution to someone else’s life. When we volunteer or help others, it feels good to just be of service to someone else. The impact we make feels fulfilling and is a big potential source for our own happiness.

3. Be Thankful
When you think of all the things that you have to be grateful for, you realize how blessed you already are. Without even realizing it, we take our basic necessities for granted — a roof over your head and plenty of food to eat. By appreciating the things that you already have, you’ll begin to feel happier in your life.

4. Share With Others
When we share our thoughts, our time, and our abilities with others we feel better for it. A life lived without sharing can become lonely. When you share with others, they’ll feel great towards you and help you to feel more joy in your own life.

5. Smile More
Practice smiling more and see how it affects you internally, as well as those around you. You can always afford to give a smile. Smiling can make you happier — even if you have to force it, you’ll still feel better.

6. Exercise
When was the last time you went to the gym or worked out? Exercise reduces stress andreleases endorphins, also known as a “runner’s high.” Playing sports is a fun way to exercise as well, whether it’s kicking around a soccer ball or shooting hoops.

7. Seek Out a Life Coach
A life coach will help you to evaluate your life and why you’re not feeling happy in it. Maybe you’re holding limiting beliefs or you have an emotional block without realizing it. By speaking to a life coach, you can uncover why you’re actually unhappy and what you can do to feel better.

8. Find Ways to Manage Stress
Don’t let stress rob you of your birthright to be happy. You deserve to be happy, and it wouldn’t be right to let stress get in the way. Practices such as meditation can help you to manage stress better and feel great.

9. Eat Healthy
It’s much more challenging to feel truly happy when you’re sick. But when you eat right, you feel better both physically and mentally. And you’ll avoid that guilty feeling that you just pigged out on junk food.

10. Spend Time With Your Loved Ones
There’s no replacement for spending quality time with your loved ones. We’re social beings, even if you’re an introvert or a loner. People love spending time with their friends and family for good conversation, bonding, and some laughs. Life’s too short to live it completely alone.

11. Dump Negative Thinking
You already know that negative thinking will bring you down. So how do you stop it? Become more aware of it and try replacing your negative thoughts with some positive ones. Spend less time with negative people and more time with positive people.

12. Give More Gifts
You don’t have to give expensive gifts; sometimes a poem, a quick note, or a thoughtful email will brighten someone else’s day, and yours. Share what you can give to all the wonderful people in your life.

13. Forgive and Forget
Holding a grudge will harm you more than the person you’re holding it against. Ask yourself, “What would it take for me to let go of the past?” and notice how you feel when you let go of your anger for a few seconds. Focus instead on a bright future and you’ll feel better for it.

14. Take a Walk in Nature
Spending time out in nature can be very refreshing and renewing, especially when you’re living in an artificial, manmade world. Taking a walk in your local woods or park and getting some fresh air can allow you to appreciate the beauty of the natural world.

15. Be Yourself
As Steve Jobs said, “Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life.” Accept who you are, just be yourself, and you’ll feel a world of difference.

Sources:- huffingtonpost

8 Things The Happiest Couples Do Every Morning

Mornings can feel frantic with everyone trying to get out of bed and out the door on schedule.
But making time ― even just a few minutes! ― to connect with your partner before the chaos of the day sets in can make a big difference in your relationship. Here’s what the happiest couples do daily, according to Huffpost readers and marriage experts.

1. They make eye contact. 

“We brush our teeth together. For those few minutes we look into each other’s eyes. We touch each other, a hand on the waist, hand on the cheek, head on the chest.” ― reader Brandi W. 

2. They cuddle. 

“My husband leaves for work before I can even imagine getting up and being a fully functional human being. So every morning after he’s gotten ready, he climbs back in bed and pulls me in close. And that five minutes, being close to one another, breath by breath, it’s the best way to start our day.” ― Meg Conley, marriage blogger 

3. They try to get up around the same time when they can. 

“Too many couples have two completely different morning routines and often barely see or speak to each other in the morning. I know of many partners who don’t even get up before their significant other is out of the house for the day ― and it’s not because he leaves at 4 a.m. or because she worked a swing shift. They just sleep late. As a couple, they don’t make it important to connect at the beginning of the day.” ― Dr. Kurt Smiththerapist who specializes in counseling for men

4. They enjoy a cup of coffee or tea together. 

“My wife and I have breakfast together sitting on the front porch, side by side on the love seat. Even if it’s just for 15 minutes, we have our coffee and talk about plans for the day and watch the birds.” ― reader Steve T.

5. They kiss goodbye. 

“It so important to us that we always show affection before one of us leaves. Usually he leaves for work an hour before I wake up so he always says goodbye with a kiss on my head. It’s not about me needing the affection but more so knowing he is thinking of me before he heads to work.” ― reader Rebecca C.

6. They put down their devices. 

“Even if we only have five to 10 minutes before one or the other of us has to rush out the door or get on the phone, we sit down to have tea. No phones or iPads allowed. No claiming we don’t have time. Maybe we talk about something coming up in our day or something in the news. Maybe we just sit quietly. With life being as crazy busy as it is, it’s a way to slow down and connect before we launch into the day.” ― Winifred M. Reilly, marriage and family therapist

7. They divvy up the morning chores. 

“Getting the kids up, ready and off to school every morning can be a real chore. Nothing says that this has to be the mom’s job, but frequently it is ― or at least the majority of it. Couples who are happier share these kinds of family and parental responsibilities. Working as a team in the morning builds connection and relationship happiness that carries through the day.” ― Dr. Kurt Smith

8. They smile, no matter how tired they are. 

Mornings can be hectic for most people but it’s important to be able to at least smile at your partner. Even when trying to get ready and out the door, many happy couples find it natural to give a quick smile when interacting with their partner.” ― Dr. Marie Land, psychologist 
Sources:- huffingtonpost

Sunday, March 26, 2017

HEALTH / WEIGHT LOSS Using This Simple Kitchen Tool Helped Me Drop 108 Pounds

Erika Chacon, 31, 5'4", from Rialto, Calif.
Before: 265 lb., size 18/20
After: 157 lb., size 6/8
Total pounds lost: 108 lb.
Total sizes lost: 6/7
Whether I was grazing on junk food all day or bingeing on Hot Pockets and Oreos after hours, my adolescent eating left much to be desired. Playing softball in high school helped keep my weight in check, but the excess calories started catching up to me in college. Once I graduated, my activity level really plummeted, and the pounds began piling on. By September 2015, I was up to 265 pounds. I felt so embarrassed when my then-boyfriend saw the number on the scale. Soon after that, a stranger assumed I was pregnant. I knew I needed to make a change.

Revamping my habits

To start, I researched how to do meal prep. I would buy anything green and clean, putting together healthy combos of lean turkey, brown rice, and seasoned veggies. I also hit the treadmill at the gym. At first, I felt ashamed when I couldn’t jog for longer than a minute and the girl next to me was logging miles. But I reminded myself that I was making this decision for me, no one else. By exercising daily and eating better, I lost about 45 pounds in three months. Then I hit a roadblock: The number on the scale wouldn’t budge. Panicked, I decided to overhaul my routine.

Measuring up

I started counting calories and using a food scale to keep an eye on my portions. I wanted to make sure I wasn’t eating more than I was burning. I also upped my strength training, integrating squats, lunges, and the occasional TRX class into my routine. The result: a tighter and 60-pounds-lighter frame in six months. These days I’m 157 pounds and still working out six days a week. Even better, now I’m the girl on the treadmill racking up the miles—at a seven-minute-mile pace!

Secrets to a shape-up win

1. Post positivity. I constantly post transformation photos, thoughts of encouragement, and recipes on my Instagram account @icandoallthings_journey to help my 10,000-plus followers realize they can reclaim their health like I did.
2. Snack smarter. I used to top potato chips or pork rinds with lime juice and chili powder. Now I use carrot sticks. The longer the lime juice sits, the better it tastes! And it’s so refreshing.
3. Tap technology. I’m obsessed with my Apple watch! Not only does it continually nudge me to stay active, it also keeps me competitive. I try to fill every one of its progress rings daily.
4. Get outdoors. I’m a California girl, so I love swimming, hiking, and body boarding. They’re all insane workouts, but I forget I’m exercising when I’m by the ocean; it’s my sneaky way of moving.
Erika is wearing: Graced By Grit Kate tank ($46; gracedbygrit.com); Graced By Grit Chelsea leggings ($118; gracedbygrit.com), and Graced By Grit Gritty Titty bra ($52;gracedbygrit.com). 

Sources:- Health

15 Simple Ways to Live a Happy Life

“Happiness is the meaning and the purpose of life, the whole aim and end of human existence.”
Aristotle said this more than 2,000 years ago. And it still holds true today. What is the true purpose of life, if not to live a happy life until we die?
Happiness is one of the most sought-after goals in life, yet for many it seems to be elusive. It’s easy to delude ourselves into thinking, “When I just have that nice house and new car, then I can be happy.” But in reality, happiness is available to all of us, right now. A big house or a new car won’t actually make you happier; it’s the simple joys in life that bring true happiness. Read on to learn 15 simple ways that you can start living a happier life today.
1. Do What You Love
If your passion is playing soccer, writing poems, or teaching children how to swim, make time to do it. You’ll find that when you’re doing what you love, you’re filled with joy. How much better does that sound than forcing yourself do something you don’t like?

2. Help Others
Sometimes after we’ve achieved our own personal goals, we still feel empty inside because we haven’t made a meaningful contribution to someone else’s life. When we volunteer or help others, it feels good to just be of service to someone else. The impact we make feels fulfilling and is a big potential source for our own happiness.

3. Be Thankful
When you think of all the things that you have to be grateful for, you realize how blessed you already are. Without even realizing it, we take our basic necessities for granted — a roof over your head and plenty of food to eat. By appreciating the things that you already have, you’ll begin to feel happier in your life.

4. Share With Others
When we share our thoughts, our time, and our abilities with others we feel better for it. A life lived without sharing can become lonely. When you share with others, they’ll feel great towards you and help you to feel more joy in your own life.

5. Smile More
Practice smiling more and see how it affects you internally, as well as those around you. You can always afford to give a smile. Smiling can make you happier — even if you have to force it, you’ll still feel better.

6. Exercise
When was the last time you went to the gym or worked out? Exercise reduces stress andreleases endorphins, also known as a “runner’s high.” Playing sports is a fun way to exercise as well, whether it’s kicking around a soccer ball or shooting hoops.

7. Seek Out a Life Coach
A life coach will help you to evaluate your life and why you’re not feeling happy in it. Maybe you’re holding limiting beliefs or you have an emotional block without realizing it. By speaking to a life coach, you can uncover why you’re actually unhappy and what you can do to feel better.

8. Find Ways to Manage Stress
Don’t let stress rob you of your birthright to be happy. You deserve to be happy, and it wouldn’t be right to let stress get in the way. Practices such as meditation can help you to manage stress better and feel great.

9. Eat Healthy
It’s much more challenging to feel truly happy when you’re sick. But when you eat right, you feel better both physically and mentally. And you’ll avoid that guilty feeling that you just pigged out on junk food.

10. Spend Time With Your Loved Ones
There’s no replacement for spending quality time with your loved ones. We’re social beings, even if you’re an introvert or a loner. People love spending time with their friends and family for good conversation, bonding, and some laughs. Life’s too short to live it completely alone.

11. Dump Negative Thinking
You already know that negative thinking will bring you down. So how do you stop it? Become more aware of it and try replacing your negative thoughts with some positive ones. Spend less time with negative people and more time with positive people.

12. Give More Gifts
You don’t have to give expensive gifts; sometimes a poem, a quick note, or a thoughtful email will brighten someone else’s day, and yours. Share what you can give to all the wonderful people in your life.

13. Forgive and Forget
Holding a grudge will harm you more than the person you’re holding it against. Ask yourself, “What would it take for me to let go of the past?” and notice how you feel when you let go of your anger for a few seconds. Focus instead on a bright future and you’ll feel better for it.

14. Take a Walk in Nature
Spending time out in nature can be very refreshing and renewing, especially when you’re living in an artificial, manmade world. Taking a walk in your local woods or park and getting some fresh air can allow you to appreciate the beauty of the natural world.

15. Be Yourself
As Steve Jobs said, “Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life.” Accept who you are, just be yourself, and you’ll feel a world of difference.

Sources:- Huffingtonpost

Friday, March 24, 2017

What is Skin Cancer? Skin Cancer Types, Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment

What is Cancer?
Normal cells in your body divide in an orderly and balanced fashion. Cancer occurs when certain cells begin to grow out of control. Cancer cells can also spread to other parts of the body through the blood, nerves or lymph system, in a process called metastasis.
What is Skin Cancer?
Skin cancer is a cancer of the cells in the outermost layer of skin, called the epidermis. The epidermis itself has three layers: an upper and middle layer made up of squamous cells, and a bottom layer made up of melanocytes and basal cells.
Different types of skin cancer affect each of these types of cells, including the following most common forms:
Basal Cell Carcinoma
Basal cell carcinoma (BCC) is the most common form of skin cancer, accounting for 75% to 80% of cases. Upwards of one million people are diagnosed with basal cell carcinoma each year in the United States. It was once found mostly in middle-aged or older people but now it is also being seen at younger ages. Basal cell carcinoma usually begins on areas exposed to the sun such as the head and neck. It is a slow-growing cancer that rarely spreads to other parts of the body, but people with a history of BCC are at higher risk for getting a second BCC. If basal cell carcinoma is not treated, it can damage the surrounding tissue, including bone. Treatments are very effective, however, if the tumor is detected while it is small and thin.

Squamous Cell Carcinoma
Squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) accounts for 16% to 20% of skin cancer cases and occurs twice as often in men than in women.

Approximately 200,000 to 300,000 people are diagnosed with squamous cell carcinoma each year in the United States, and about 2,500 die from the disease. It usually appears on the face, ear, neck, lips, and backs of the hands. SCC can also begin within scars or skin ulcers on other places on the body.
As with basal cell carcinoma, the available treatments are very effective if the tumor is detected while it is small and thin.
Melanoma affects cells called melanocytes, which produce the skin's color. Melanoma can appear in an area no different from surrounding skin, or it can develop from or near a mole. It is found most frequently on the backs of both men and women or on the legs of women, but melanoma can occur anywhere on the body, including the head and neck, soles of the feet, fingernails, and other areas not exposed to the sun. Melanoma is much more dangerous than the other types of skin cancer: 62,000 people will be diagnosed with melanoma in the United States in 2008 and over 8,400 will die from the disease. Unfortunately, it is increasing at a faster rate than for any other cancer, with the exception of lung cancer in women. In the United States, the incidence of malignant melanoma from 1973 to 2002 increased by 270%. Melanoma is treatable in its early stages, but survival drops precipitously when it metastasizes to distant lymph nodes or organs.

What Causes Skin Cancer?
Besides lung cancer, skin cancer is one of the most preventable types of cancer. This is due to the fact that the major risk factor is ultraviolet (UV) radiation. The sun is, of course, the main source of UV radiation, but it can also come from tanning booths. The amount of UV exposure depends on the strength of the light, how long the skin was exposed, and whether the skin was covered with clothing or sunscreen. Many studies also show that being sunburned at a young age increases the likelihood of skin cancer even decades later.
The other major risk factor is fair skin. Skin cancer is much more common in Caucasians than in African-Americans, for example. This is because the pigment, called melanin, offers some protection from UV radiation and people with dark skin have more melanin. People with fair skin that freckles or burns easily are at especially high risk. However, remember that people of all races and skin colors can get skin cancer.
Other causes of skin cancer include:
  • long-term exposure to chemicals such as arsenic, tar and oil
  • radiation from other cancer treatments
  • previous history of skin cancer
  • family history of skin cancer
  • scars from burns or previous skin infections
  • certain treatments for psoriasis involving UV light
  • certain rare skin diseases, such as xeroderma pigmentosum and basal cell nevus syndrome
  • weakened immune system
  • infection by certain types of human papilloma virus
  • smoking
  • certain types of moles
  • other risk factors
Each year, over one million people are diagnosed with cancer of the skin, making it the most common type of cancer in the United States. Unfortunately, it is also one of the few types of cancer that has become more common in recent years. The good news is that skin cancer is one of the most preventable and treatable of all cancers.
"Melanoma – Treatment Guidelines for Patients." National Comprehensive Cancer Network and the American Cancer Society. 21 July 2008.
"What You Need to Know about Skin Cancer." National Cancer Institute. July 2002. 21 July 2008.
"All About Skin Cancer – Melanoma." American Cancer Society. July 2008. 22 July 2008.VERYWELL

Calcium Requirements and Dietary Sources

Dietary calcium is a major mineral, and it's the most abundant mineral in the human body. Most calcium is stored in the bones, and teeth (about 99 percent) and the rest is in your blood, muscles, and extracellular fluid.
Calcium is necessary for healthy bones and teeth. Your body constantly breaks down and rebuilds your bones to keep them strong. When you're young, your body builds up calcium as fast as it removed it from the bones, but when you get older, your body tends to reabsorb more calcium than it puts back, so you're at a greater risk for weak and brittle bones.
Calcium also plays a significant role in blood clotting, muscle contraction, hormonal secretion and normal nervous system function.
The National Academies of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine, Health and Medicine Division has determined the dietary reference intakes (DRI) for calcium. It's based on the daily nutritional needs of an average healthy person and differs by age and sex. If you have any medical issues, you should speak with your health care provider about your calcium requirements.

Dietary Reference Intakes

Ages 1 - 3: 700 milligrams per day

Ages 4-8: 1,000 milligrams per day
Ages 9-18: 1,300 milligrams per day
Men ages 19-70: 1,000 milligrams per day
Women ages 19-50: 1,000 milligrams per day
Women ages 51 and older: 1,200 milligrams per day
Men ages 71 and older: 1,200 milligrams per day

Calcium Deficiency Signs and Symptoms

Long-term calcium deficiency can lead to osteopenia, which is a loss of bone density.
Osteopenia may progress into osteoporosis, a health condition where bones become weak and brittle. Most adults need from 1,000 to 1,200 milligrams of calcium every day. That need can be met when you eat a balanced diet that includes dairy products, bony fish, dark green vegetables, and calcium-fortified foods.
You probably won't feel any actual symptoms of calcium deficiency, unless you have hypocalcemia (low blood calcium), which is usually due to health conditions or certain medications and treatments. The symptoms of hypocalcemia include muscle cramps, lethargy, numbness and tingling in the fingers, and problems with heart rhythm. These can all be signs of other health conditions too, so if you have them, you need to see your health care provider.
Calcium deficiency can occur when you don't eat enough foods that contain calcium or if you eat too much protein and sodium-rich foods, which cause your body to excrete calcium. If you're low in vitamin D, Your body needs vitamin D to absorb and use calcium -- that's why milk is fortified with vitamin D. However, most of your vitamin D is formed in your body when your skin is exposed to sunlight. The Institute of Medicine suggests a daily intake of 600 to 800 International Units of vitamin D per day.

Taking Calcium Supplements

Calcium supplements are often recommended for adult females to help prevent osteoporosis.
They're generally safe. However, the Institute of Medicine has determined the tolerable upper limit to be 2,500 milligrams per day. Taking more than that amount on a regular basis may lead to hypercalcemia, kidney problems, and may impair the absorption of other minerals.
It's also important to know that calcium supplements can interact with several medications, so consult your doctor before taking calcium -- or any supplements -- if you're also taking any prescription drugs. 
National Academies of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine, Health and Medicine Division. "Dietary Reference Intakes Tables and Application." Accessed March 25, 2016. http://www.nationalacademies.org/hmd/Activities/Nutrition/SummaryDRIs/DRI-Tables.aspx.
National Institutes of Health. Office of Dietary Supplements. "Dietary Supplement Fact Sheet: Calcium." Accessed March 25, 2016. http://ods.od.nih.gov/factsheets/calcium/.